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Writer's pictureJeter Law Firm

Bill Jeter Serves as Master of Ceremonies for Re-Dedication of Courthouse

It was a beautiful morning Friday for the 75th anniversary and re-dedication of the Ellis County Courthouse. The welcome sunshine shone down on the large crowd that gathered at 1204 Fort for the celebration.

Organized by the Ellis County Courthouse Preservation Committee, the dedication comes at a time when the committee is asking for donations to make some much-needed repairs to the exterior of the building -- particularly on the west side.

Bill Jeter, Ellis County counselor, said it was an honor that he was given the task of master of ceremonies.

“I knew my father had done it, so it was a great honor for me,” Jeter said.

Jeter’s father, Norman Jeter -- county attorney in 1942 -- was master of ceremonies for the official dedication of the courthouse on Tuesday, May 12, 1942.


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